
The values of the Dreamweaverarts Organization, serve as our compass for where we go in this world. As leaders in the arts industry we hope to bring courage to those artist and communities looking to expand equality in order to make an overwhelming difference in the US and around the world that communities now demands; the Dreamweaverarts Organization is the garden that feeds the artistic community while supporting other urgent needs to improve the artistic communities quality of life and help them to achieve self-sufficiency

At the Dreamweaverarts Organization we hold ourselves accountable for what we say and how we do things. Our integrity and passion for the artistic community leads our conscience. It is thru the diversity of people in this community whose sharing of thoughts and ideas inspire us to be better and strive to create at the highest quality. We hope to inspire creativity and are optimistic that our Artistic community will continue to thrive thru the benefit of sharing of knowledge, support, creativity and community.