Inspirational ‘Sight’ Puts the Real World in Focus

“Sight” Rating: 9/10 Director and writer: Andrew Hyatt Style: Biopic/Drama Time: 1 hour, 40 minutes Review by Mike Szymanski Just when you think you know everything about every possible true story, some amazing tale makes it to the big screen and overwhelms you. I am particularly tuned in to medical breakthrough stories — and with a special interest in eyes and blindness — yet I never heard of this … Continue reading Inspirational ‘Sight’ Puts the Real World in Focus

Jean-Claude Van Damme is Back in Gritty Noir Action Thriller ‘Darkness of Man’

“Darkness of Man” Rating: 8/10 Director: James Cullen Bressack Writer: Alethea Cho and James Cullen Bressack Style: Action / Thriller Time: 1 hour 48 minutes Rated: R Review by Mike Szymanski It’s great to see Jean-Claude Van Damme in a gritty crime drama after the rumors that he was hanging up his martial arts belt. Apparently, if there’s anyone who can keep him going in … Continue reading Jean-Claude Van Damme is Back in Gritty Noir Action Thriller ‘Darkness of Man’

These Wise Guys in ‘Jersey Bred’ Don’t Think Change is Funny, But it is

“Jersey Bred” Rating: 8/10 Writer and Director: Greg Russo Style: Crime/ Action / Drama Time: 1 hour 31 minutes Review by Mike Szymanski Change in the mob game isn’t always a good thing. When the gangsters like those from the days of “The Godfather” (and all the violence involved) get mixed up in online gambling and crypto-currency, some people can’t give up their old ways. … Continue reading These Wise Guys in ‘Jersey Bred’ Don’t Think Change is Funny, But it is

The Secrets in this ‘Detained’ Mystery Don’t Hold Back

· Detained Rating: 8/10 Director: Felipe Mucci Writers: Jeremy Palmer and Felipe Mucci Style: Thriller Time: 1 hour and 35 minutes: Review by Mike Szymanski Buckle-up for a dark and mysterious ride that takes you on a rollercoaster ride of deception and intrigue. Noirish and simple, this thriller is continuously enjoyable and unpredictable. Abbie Cornish (from “Jack Ryan”) plays a seemingly befuddle woman named Rebecca … Continue reading The Secrets in this ‘Detained’ Mystery Don’t Hold Back

‘Razzennest’ Is the Funniest, Scariest Movie You’ll Ever Listen To

Razzennest Rating: 7/10 Director: Johannes Grenzfurthner Writer: Johannes Grenzfurthner Style: Comedy/Horror/Satire Time: 81 minutes Trailer: Review by Mike Szymanski Just when you think all the innovative stuff was done involving found-footage films, or all-devices movies, there comes something truly unique and innovative that will bite you in the fettasna and tickle your roligben. That’s this movie “Razzennest” which is German for “rat’s nest” but it also incorporates Swedish … Continue reading ‘Razzennest’ Is the Funniest, Scariest Movie You’ll Ever Listen To